The Pros and Cons of Pet Rabbits

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Written By Zoey Seaforth

Committed to nurturing small pets with passion and purpose.

Are you considering bringing a fluffy bundle of joy into your home? Well, there are many pros and cons of pet rabbits; making the decision to become an owner a tough one to make.

Rabbits have captivated the hearts of pet lovers worldwide with their adorable appearance, affectionate nature, and quiet charm. And it’s no wonder. They’re so fluffy it’s hard to resist their little faces.

But before you hop into rabbit ownership, it’s essential to delve into the fascinating world of these furry companions and uncover the pros, cons, and all the care they require. 

This comprehensive guide will explore the joys, challenges, and responsibilities of owning rabbits as house pets.

Whether you’re a seasoned pet owner or embarking on this journey for the first time, fasten your seatbelt and prepare for a fascinating exploration into the world of adorable bunnies.

Pet Rabbit Pros: The Sunny Side 

Deciding to get a pet rabbit? There are many advantages to sharing your home with one of these endearing little critters. Pet bunnies can make gratifying and amusing animal companions once you understand their needs.

As prey animals, they require gentle handling and time to build trust. But the rewards of rabbit ownership come in snuggly cuddles, playful antics, and devoted bonds.

Read on to learn some of the best reasons to welcome a bunny into your family. We’ll explore why rabbits make affectionate alternative pets to a dog or cat.

You’ll also discover how their gentle, social nature makes them great for kids and multi-pet households. Oh, and their litter training abilities add convenience as well.

Affectionate and Adorable Pets

Rabbits can form strong bonds with their owners and become very affectionate pets, especially if you already have other pets they can interact with as well.

They often enjoy sitting in your lap or beside you to keep you company and many will nudge your hand requesting pets; they may even lick you to show affection. 

With their soft fur and cute faces featuring prominent front teeth, rabbits are obviously adorable to look at.

Pros and Cons of Pet Rabbits

Their mannerisms like twitching noses, floppy ears, and high jumps add to their charm. But they also display playful, inquisitive personalities that are fun to watch.

No two rabbits are exactly alike, so as a rabbit lover, getting to know your bunny’s unique quirks can be delightfully entertaining.  

Owning a rabbit allows you to experience the joy of their affection firsthand. They are darling pets that can brighten your day and put a smile on your face. For many owners, rabbits offer unconditional love and companionship.

Low Maintenance (With a Catch)

Okay, here’s the deal with this one. While they are lower maintenance than other pets, rabbits need a lot more monitoring overall health-wise and dietary-wise.

BUT they don’t need to be walked, like a dog, and don’t take up near as much space in your home.  

As long as they have ample indoor or outdoor housing to hop around in, they can largely exercise themselves. 

Rabbits are also very clean animals that groom themselves meticulously like cats. Owners only need to occasionally brush rabbits to reduce shedding and trim their nails.

Their housing needs simple spot cleaning daily and full cleaning out of litter boxes, food bowls, and bedding about once a week.

Plus, setting up proper housing for a rabbit is relatively straightforward. A large pen or cage inside, or a protected outdoor hutch of at least 8 square feet works well.

Litter boxes, chew toys, hideouts, food dishes, and bedding are easy additions. The time investment in care is minimal compared to other common pets. Just be sure to rabbit-proof any areas they have access to!

Overall, the daily duties involved with rabbit care are low maintenance compared to other pets.

Their grooming and housing needs are simple compared to more involved pet routines. Rabbits can be a good option for owners wanting an interactive pet with minimal lifestyle disruption.

Rabbits are Docile, Social and Gentle Pets

One of the joys of welcoming a rabbit into your home is experiencing their sociable and gentle nature.

Rabbits can become very outgoing and friendly pets, especially after spaying/neutering. Let’s explore why rabbits make great social companions when properly introduced to new environments and people.

Rabbits are highly social creatures that thrive when kept in bonded pairs or groups. Even single rabbits benefit from lots of quality interaction with their human families. Spending time playing with, cuddling, or simply sitting beside your rabbit allows trust and affection to develop. 

Their mellow temperaments also make rabbits good pets for respectful, gentle children. With supervision, rabbits and kids can become great friends.

Rabbits generally get along well with other pets too, including cats and dogs. Slow introductions and separate housing are keys to success.

Overall, rabbits are quite gentle, low-key animals compared to their energetic predator counterparts. They appreciate a calm, stable environment. Rabbits rarely bite or scratch, only if frightened.

Treated with care, these meek pets bring delightful social qualities to any loving home.

Providing Companionship

In addition to being affectionate, rabbits can provide genuine companionship as pets. Having a rabbit hopping around your home can be a source of endless entertainment and mental stimulation.  

Rabbits have lively, inquisitive personalities that shine through when they feel safe and comfortable.

You’ll find delight in watching your bunny explore new objects, solve puzzles, or binky across the room in joy. Their natural behaviors like digging, hiding, and foraging translate well into fun games.

Socialising your pet rabbit

Each rabbit has its own distinctive quirks to discover. Some may be bold and adventurous, while others are shy and timid. Spend time observing your new rabbit friend to learn their individual personality. 

Your rabbit may follow you around purposely seeking attention and interaction. They recognize their owners and enjoy spending time in your company. Rabbits can be playful, loving companions that provide laughter, stress relief, and friendship.  

Welcoming one of these entertaining creatures into your home brings an endearing new member to the family. The companionship of a devoted rabbit friend can warm your heart for years to come.

Can Be Litter Trained

One practical perk of owning a rabbit is that most can be litter-trained with proper techniques. This allows them to conveniently take care of their bathroom needs in one place – much like cats.

Litter training success starts with spaying or neutering your rabbit at an appropriate age. Fixed rabbits are calmer and more likely to use a designated litter box.

Place boxes with rabbit-safe litter in corners where they already go. Gently return them to the box if accidents happen during training.

With positive reinforcement like treats, most fixed rabbits will catch on quickly. Be sure to clean boxes frequently to encourage usage. Provide one box per rabbit, plus extras throughout their space.

Having a litter-trained rabbit makes cleaning up after them a breeze. No more hunting for droppings or wet spots. Simply scoop their boxes regularly to keep things hygienic.

The litter training ability of rabbits adds a great deal of convenience compared to pets that must be walked or let outdoors.

Housetrained bunnies can safely hop around inside without creating messes. Just be prepared to bunny-proof cords and valuables from their exploring!

Pet Rabbit Cons: The Not-So Sunny

While rabbits can make fantastic pets, there are some potential downsides to consider before hopping into rabbit ownership and becoming a pet parent.

Rabbits have some important care requirements that prospective owners should understand.

Firstly, bunnies are prey animals by nature and require special handling, housing, exercise, and veterinary care. Their fragile bones and delicate digestive systems leave them prone to certain health issues.

Rabbits also need ample space for housing and exercise. Additionally, their natural chewing instinct can lead to property damage if left unchecked. 

In the sections below, we will explore some of the top cons often associated with rabbits as pets. Their space requirements, chewing habits, need for exercise and enrichment, fragile constitution, and veterinary costs will be covered.

Being aware of these potential drawbacks can help you make an informed decision if a pet rabbit is suited for your family and lifestyle. Forewarned is forearmed when it comes to properly caring for these endearing but delicate creatures!

Housing Space Needs

One of the top considerations with pet rabbits is providing them ample housing space.

While they won’t take up as much space as other pets like a dog with a big backyard, they still have specific housing needs. NOT providing this means you’ll sacrifice their health, and it’s something we unfortunately see quite often when people assume owning a pet bunny means just putting it in a hutch or cage.

Ultimately, rabbits are active animals that need room to hop, play, and exercise daily. Minimum enclosure sizes are recommended as follows:

  • Indoor housing should be at least 8 square feet, larger if possible. Multi-level cages connected by ramps work well to add play space. 
  • Outdoor hutches should have a minimum footprint of 8 square feet, with additional exercise space. Hutches must be predator-proof and offer shelter from weather.
  • For every additional rabbit, add at least 2 square feet of floorspace.
  • Free-roaming is great, provided bunny-proofing is thorough. Gates can block off unsafe areas. Rabbits should have at least a few hours per day in a spacious pen or rabbit-safe room.

Providing proper room for your bunny prevents boredom, obesity, and behavior issues, especially when your rabbits are social and like to be kept busy.

Rabbit ownership pros and cons

Their enclosures should contain enrichment toys and litterboxes as well. It’s important not to underestimate a rabbit’s substantial space requirements when providing their home.

Chewing Habits 

One of the biggest cons associated with rabbits is their innate need to chew – on everything! Rabbits’ teeth grow continuously, so they instinctively gnaw on objects to wear them down. 

Unfortunately, this means your belongings are fair game as chew toys. Bunnies may chew on furniture, baseboards, door frames, carpet, electrical cords, books, and anything else within reach.

This destructive chewing can ruin items and make a mess. And trust us – they will try to chew anything in their reach.

To protect your home, it’s imperative to properly rabbit-proof any areas your bunny has access to. Remove or block access to vulnerable items. Provide plenty of acceptable chew toys like untreated wood blocks.

With training and maturity, some rabbits can be taught not to chew inappropriate items. But chewing is an innate behavior for rabbits that can’t be fully prevented. Monitoring their environment and providing alternatives is key.

If given free rein, rabbits will happily chew up your home. Protecting belongings requires vigilance and bunny-proofing. Be prepared for the chewing habits these furry friends when you’re weighing up the pros and cons of keeping bunnies in your home. 

Need for Exercise and Mental Stimulation

Rabbits are a little crazy when it comes to their active natures. They’re not stagnant at all, and need substantial exercise and mental enrichment daily.

Without adequate stimulation, they become easily bored and depressed. But the good news is that you don’t have to head out in the cold to walk them. 

At a minimum, pet rabbits require at least 3-4 hours of “out-of-cage” time per day in a rabbit-proofed room or pen. Let your rabbit enjoy their space to run, jump, and play fully. Be sure to monitor them during free-roaming time.

Rotate different enrichment toys to keep rabbits engaged – tunnels, cardboard boxes, willow balls, treat puzzles etc. Provide digging areas filled with soil or shredded paper. Switch up toys regularly to add novelty.

Like all domestic pets, social interaction is also important for exercising your rabbit’s mind. Pet, groom, and play with your bunny daily. Supervise interactions with children and other pets. We also recommend allowing bonded rabbits to be together.

Plus, if you’re bringing a rabbit into your home, make sure you keep their body and mind stimulated.

Bored rabbits may resort to destructive chewing or inappropriate elimination habits that lead to pooping all over your house. An enriched environment with plenty of exercise prevents problem behaviors resulting from inactivity or confinement.

If you want a rabbit, put in the time for a happy, healthy bunny!

Fragile Nature and Risk of Injury

Given bunnies’ biology as prey animals, they have an unfortunately fragile constitution.

While rabbits make great pets, their skeletal structure and mentality leave them prone to stress and injury if not handled properly.

Rabbits have light, slender bones that fracture easily compared to other pets. Something as simple as an accidental fall can lead to broken limbs or spine. Improper lifting or restraint can also harm them.

As timid prey, rabbits get frightened and anxious by loud noises, rough handling, or unfamiliar surroundings. This stress can cause heart attacks in severe cases. Rabbits may bite or scratch when scared or in pain.

Owners must exercise great care when approaching, lifting, and playing with rabbits. Supervise children closely to avoid accidents. Vet visits also require delicate handling.

With their delicate bones and mentality, accidents and injuries are common in rabbits. Taking preventative measures by being gentle and vigilant is crucial. Be aware of how fragile rabbits are physically and psychologically when bringing one home.

Potentially Expensive Vet Bills

Like any pet, rabbits require regular veterinary care which can become expensive. Finding an exotic vet familiar with rabbits is ideal, as they have specialized needs.

Spaying or neutering your rabbit is a significant initial cost, but it provides major health and behavior benefits. Yearly checkups, bloodwork, and vaccinations are also advised.

Rabbits are prone to digestive issues like gastrointestinal stasis which requires emergency treatment. Dental disease from overgrown teeth also occurs frequently. These conditions result in pricey vet visits.

Owners should be prepared for vet bills averaging $200-300 per year. Serious conditions or injuries can easily cost much more. Pet health insurance is worth considering if funds are limited.

The specialized care rabbits require may be costlier than pets like cats and dogs. Ensure you can properly provide for a rabbit’s veterinary needs before committing. The long-term investment is well worth it for a healthy, happy bunny!

Lifespan Requires Long-Term Commitment

One aspect to consider before welcoming a rabbit is that you’ll be making a long-term commitment. Domestic rabbits have an average lifespan of 8-12 years with proper care. 

This means you’ll be responsible for your rabbit’s housing, health, exercise, socialization, and enrichment needs for over a decade. Rabbits become firmly bonded with their owners and thrive on stability. Rehoming can be very traumatic.

Consider if your living situation will remain rabbit-friendly for years to come. Are you ready to cover the costs of vet visits and supplies? Can you invest the time rabbits need for exercise, play, grooming? 

While rabbits don’t live quite as long as dogs or cats, their lifespan is substantial. Ensuring they live a full, healthy life requires dedication.

Make sure you’re in it for the long haul before adopting! The years of companionship and joy are well worth the effort for the devoted rabbit lover.

Advantages of Disadvantages of Owning a Pet Rabbit

Bringing a rabbit into your life is a big decision that comes with pros and cons to weigh. While rabbits make endearing companions, they also have some specialized care requirements to factor in.

As a prey animal, unique aspects of a rabbit’s needs, fragility, housing, health, and natural behaviors are covered. Understanding both the joys and responsibilities of rabbit ownership ahead of time allows you to make an informed choice.

Look over the key pros including affectionate personalities, cleanliness, and companionship rabbits offer.

But be realistic about the cons like space needs, veterinary costs, exercise requirements, and chewing tendencies.

If the positives outweigh the challenges after informed reflection, a sweet bunny may be the perfect addition to your home!

Affectionate and adorable petsRequire ample housing space
Low daily maintenanceDestructive chewing habits
Social, gentle natureNeed daily exercise and enrichment
Litter box trainablePotentially expensive veterinary bills
Lifespan of 8-12 years requires long-term commitment

How to Make a Decision on Whether Keeping a Bunny is Right for You

If you’re weighing up the pros and cons of a pet rabbit in your home, we recommend sitting down and having an honest conversation with yourself first.

Ask yourself the hard questions. This will help you determine whether your household is ready for a bunny hopping around. 

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

1. Why do I want a rabbit as a pet? Is it for companionship, a child’s desire, or another reason?
2. Am I prepared for a long-term commitment? Rabbits can live 8-12 years or more.
3. Do I have any allergies to hay or rabbits, or does anyone in my household have allergies?
4. Do I have the time to dedicate to daily care, including feeding, grooming, and social interaction?
5. Can I afford the costs associated with rabbit ownership, including food, bedding, veterinary care, and supplies?
6. Do I have enough space for a rabbit? Is my living situation suitable for a pet rabbit? Can I provide them with a rabbit run?
7. Am I willing to rabbit-proof my home to prevent them from chewing on furniture, wires, and other hazards?
8. Since rabbits come in many different breeds, do I understand the different ones available and their specific needs and temperaments?
9. Have I researched the basics of rabbit care, including diet, housing, and hygiene?
10. Am I prepared for potential medical expenses, such as spaying/neutering, vaccinations, and emergency vet visits?
11. Rabbits tend to be social, so do I have a plan for socializing and providing mental stimulation for my bunny?
12. Will I be able to find a reputable source for acquiring a rabbit, such as a rescue organization or responsible breeder?
13. Have I considered the needs of any other pets in my household and how they might react to a new rabbit?
14. Can I commit to providing proper grooming and maintenance for a long-haired rabbit breed?
15. Am I ready to handle the responsibility of litter training and cleaning the rabbit’s living area regularly?
16. Do I know the signs of common health issues in rabbits, and am I prepared to monitor my rabbit’s health closely?
17. What will I do with my rabbit when I travel or go on vacation? Do I know someone who is able to care for a small pet like this?
18. Have I checked local regulations and zoning laws regarding pet rabbits?
19. Am I prepared for the possibility of behavioral challenges, such as aggression or destructive behavior?
20. Have I considered the emotional well-being of the rabbit, including social interaction and mental stimulation?

These questions will help you evaluate your readiness for rabbit ownership and ensure that you can provide a loving and suitable home for your new pet.

Remember that rabbits are unique animals with specific needs, and being well-prepared is essential for their well-being and happiness.

What Do Other Rabbit Owners Think?

IF you ask yourself these questions, you’ll know whether you should get a rabbit or not. But recent surveys have shown that many owners don’t actualyl do a lot of research at all before they get a bunny as a pet. This leads to abandonment and misunderstandings about the nature of care for these animals. 

In the United Kingdom in 2020, people who wanted to get a pet rabbit did some research first. Here’s what they did:

Information SourcesPercentage of People
Decided Based on Previous Pet Experience39%
Pet Shop Advice37%
Internet Research30%

It’s important to note that not even pet shops typically know how to deal with rabbit breeds or care for them properly, making it harder to understand whether they are right for you. Additionally, internet research can be varied and not always accurate. 

So what should you do?

Here are a few resources to help you read more about whether a bunny is right for you:

  • Pets Foundry – We have plenty of articles on rabbit care available, so make sure you read up on all of our helpful guides. Don’t forget to subscribe to get them straight to your inbox!
  • House Rabbit Society ( A well-known organization dedicated to rabbit welfare and education. They provide comprehensive information on rabbit care, health, behavior, and adoption.
  • American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) – Rabbit Care ( AVMA offers advice on rabbit health, behavior, and care written and reviewed by veterinarians.
  • The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) – Rabbit Care ( RSPCA is a respected animal welfare organization in the UK, and their website offers valuable guidance on rabbit care for anyone across the US and wider world.
  • House Rabbit Society of Missouri ( Another branch of the House Rabbit Society, this site offers excellent resources on rabbit care, behavior, and adoption.
  • PDSA – Caring for Your Rabbit (


Key Takeaways on Pros and Cons of Owning a Pet Rabbit

  • Rabbits make popular indoor house pets due to their companionship, ease of care, and affectionate nature. 
  • They can be litter trained, similar to cats, and are suitable for apartment living as indoor rabbits.
  • Owning rabbits offers benefits such as their affectionate nature, low noise levels, and potential therapeutic advantages. 
  • However, owning rabbits requires substantial care and attention. It involves providing appropriate housing, exercise, socialization, and a specific diet for their welfare. 
  • Before adopting a rabbit, it is crucial to understand the pros and cons. They have unique social and emotional needs, and bonding with them is essential for their well-being. 
  • Proper rabbit care includes understanding their behaviors, rabbit-proofing the living environment, and providing a suitable diet, exercise, and grooming.
  • Veterinary care is crucial for rabbits as they can be prone to health issues. 
  • Selecting the right rabbit breed for your lifestyle and creating a suitable living environment is important. 
  • Balancing responsibilities and addressing potential drawbacks can help maximize the benefits of owning rabbits as indoor pets.


Are rabbits good pets?

Yes, rabbits make great pets for many people. However, it is important to consider both the pros and cons of owning a pet rabbit before making the decision to get one.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a rabbit as a pet?

Owning a pet rabbit has both advantages and disadvantages. On one hand, rabbits are small, quiet, and can be litter trained. They can also form strong bonds with their owners and provide companionship. On the other hand, rabbits require a lot of care and attention, may chew on furniture or wires, and can be expensive to properly care for.

Why do rabbits make good pets?

Rabbits make good pets for several reasons. They are intelligent, trainable, and can be quite affectionate. They are also generally clean animals if provided with a suitable environment and can be easily litter trained. Additionally, rabbits are social animals and can form strong bonds with their owners.

What are the rabbit breeds that make good pets?

There are several rabbit breeds that make good pets, such as the Holland Lop, Mini Lop, and Netherland Dwarf. These breeds are known for their friendly personalities, small size, and suitability for living indoors. However, it’s important to research the specific needs of any rabbit breed before bringing one home.

How do I care for a pet rabbit?

Caring for a pet rabbit involves providing them with a proper diet, regular exercise, and a suitable living environment. They should have access to fresh hay, vegetables, and water at all times. It’s also important to provide them with a safe and spacious enclosure, as well as mental stimulation through toys and interaction.

Can rabbits be kept as indoor pets?

Yes, rabbits can be kept as indoor pets. In fact, many rabbit owners choose to keep their rabbits indoors due to the safety and convenience it offers. It’s important to rabbit-proof your home to prevent any potential hazards, such as electrical cords or toxic plants, and to provide them with enough space to exercise and explore.

Should I get one rabbit or two?

Rabbits are social animals and typically do well when kept with another rabbit. If you have the space and resources to care for.